Showing posts with label Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR). Show all posts

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR):


Incremental Capital Output Ratio (ICOR)

  • Efficiency of an economy is about productivity which refers to how much output can be produced with a given set of inputs.
  • Productivity is referred to as =output /input,

If input in a factory is 20 Rs and output is Rs 40 ,then Productivity  : 40/20=2.

Now for understanding:

  • Reverse the formula of productivity ie 1/productivity = Input/Output; 
  • Output in an economy is nothing but GDP and input is investment.
  • So inverse of productivity at macro level will be :

          Input/output ie Investment /GDP;

This ratio of Investment /GDP is referred to as Incremental capital output Ratio ie ICOR.


  • ICOR represent the efficiency of economy, how additional capital ie change in investment is being used in a country to produce the output ie change in the GDP.
  • ICOR explains the relationship between the increase in investment made in the economy and the consequent increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
  • ICOR is inversely proportional to productivity. Higher the ICOR, the lower the productivity of capital or the marginal efficiency of capital. 
  • The ICOR can be thought of as a measure of the efficiency / inefficiency with which capital is used.


  • From 2016 - 2019, ICOR increased due to demonetization (Nov 16) and GST (Jul 17) which resulted in disruption in economic output. 
  • So during that time, even though our investment was around 28%, our growth dipped to around 6% resulting in higher ICOR (4.65). 
  • But since 2022-23, investment was 29.2% and GDP growth was 7.2%, which results in an ICOR of around 4. 

So, if India wants to be a developed nation then it needs to grow at 7% for the next 25 years (till 2047) and that will require an investment of 28% with ICOR being 4.

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