Rupee Denominated Debt:
- External debt of India that is denominated in India’s domestic currency, the Rupee.
- The contractual liability is settled in foreign currency.
- These bonds are beneficial for the borrower in the sense that exchange rate variation risk is borne by the creditor and not by the borrower.
- So, the borrower always pays back the foreign currency equivalent of the rupee denomination valued at the spot exchange rate prevailing at that point in time.
At the time of borrowing:
Creditor (Dollar)-------------------converted to INR------------------- Borrower
At the Time of giving back:
Borrower (INR)-------------------converted to Dollar------------------- Creditor
In India rupee denominated debt comprises:
- Rupee denominated NRE account
- Non-Resident Ordinary Rupee (NRO) account,
- Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) investment in Government Treasury-Bills
- Dated and FII investment in corporate debt securities .
- Masala bond
Masala Bond:
Masala bonds, are first Rupee denominated off-shore bonds, used by Indian entities to borrowings from overseas markets .
Features :
- These bonds are issued to foreign investors in rupee denominations and settled in US dollars
- Those foreign investors who want to take exposure of the Indian market invest in these bonds.
- Being Rupee denominated, the currency risk lies with the investor and not the issuer, unlike money raised in foreign currency loans.
- It benefits the Indian borrower from currency fluctuation as there is no risk of loss due to rupee depreciation as the issuance of these bonds is in Indian currency rather than foreign currency.
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